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Upper Headgear
A beautiful crown in honour of the Goddess Freyja. Its radiance shine beyond the light of the sun, moon and stars.
On Day of the Sun: DEF + 2, MDEF + 5.
On Day of the Moon: ATK + 20
On Day of the Star: gain both effects.
Only one of the three bonus will be active at a time. Bonus from Day of the Star takes precedence over other bonuses.
[Freyja's Overcoat & Freyja Boots & Freyja's Cape & Freyja's Crown Equip Set]
On Day of the Sun: DEF + 2, MDEF + 5.
On Day of the Moon: ATK + 20
On Day of the Star: gain both effects.
Only one of the three bonus will be active at a time. Bonus from Day of the Star takes precedence over other bonuses.
[Freyja's Overcoat & Freyja Boots & Freyja's Cape & Freyja's Crown Equip Set]
✓ Star gladiator
if (callfunc("F_StarGladiatorDays") == 5) { bonus bDef,2; bonus bMdef,5; bonus bAtk,20; } else if (callfunc("F_StarGladiatorDays") == 2) { bonus bDef,2; bonus bMdef,5; } else if (callfunc("F_StarGladiatorDays") == 1) { bonus bAtk,20; } else { dispbottom("[HeRO Server]: Error detected in Star Gladiator day calculation. Please contact a GM via ticket or discord.", 0xFF842A); }
if ( @StarGladiatorDay < 0) { @StarGladiatorDay = 0; } @StarGladiatorDay += 1; if(@StarGladiatorDay == 1 && callfunc("F_StarGladiatorDays") == 5) { dispbottom ("Freyja's Equipment is enchanted with the power of the stars.", 0xE1FFB9); } if(@StarGladiatorDay == 1 && callfunc("F_StarGladiatorDays") == 2) { dispbottom ("Freyja's Equipment is enchanted with the power of the sun.", 0xFFE7A7); } if(@StarGladiatorDay == 1 && callfunc("F_StarGladiatorDays") == 1) { dispbottom ("Freyja's Equipment is enchanted with the power of the moon.", 0xD4F0F5); }
@StarGladiatorDay -= 1;